Throwback Thursday

· revisiting dry shampoos ·

REPOSTED: I decided to revisit this post from last September since it seemed so relevant to our current situation. Staying at home with no where to go and no one to see means that showering is optional! At least it is in my house. Access to my dry shampoo is now more imperative than ever….

Easy Eats

meatless Mexican Lasagna

My minimal cooking ability has been seriously put to the test during these weeks spent at home. I was forced to crack open a cookbook (gasp) after… Read More

Skin Soothers

dry skin and eczema products

Recently my good friend KP mentioned to me that she was experiencing some Covid anxiety skin issues; specifically dry, irritated eczema. The excessive washing of hands coupled… Read More

Sustainable Style: D’Ascoli

bohemian dresses of D'Ascoli

“Working in India with locally grown cotton and silk, the D’ASCOLI collection is made using ancient and modern techniques such as weaving, digital printing, and hand embroidery…. Read More

Savvy Stationery

ecclectic note cards to get you writing

The other day I was watching The Today Show and they had a segment on about the resurgence of the handwritten note. It began showing children making… Read More

Loving Lately...

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