Easy Eats

· cacio e pepe spaghetti ·

Mar, 15, 2020

Coronavirus self-quarantine got you down? There is literally nothing to do but read, watch tv, eat, drink and on-line shop. Luckily, this blog has you covered on all fronts (just browse categories in menu). This post was originally just another installment of Easy Eats, but I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the circumstances we are in now. Since we all are being careful to wash our hands and limit our exposure to others, this recipe seems fitting since you can make it without running out to get more ingredients. This minimalist meal is right up my alley and so a perfect candidate for an Easy Eats post (plus my kids love it because it is basically a stripped-down mac and cheese). When I first read the ingredient list I was sure that I was missing something– I thought there is no way that this fancy-sounding meal is so simple and easy. Well, it is! Another plus, it can be pulled together with very little planning since I usually have all these ingredients on hand. Stock up on some pasta and Romano cheese and this will be a new staple in your cucina!

[mv_create key=”15″ type=”recipe” title=”Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe ” thumbnail=”https://whitandwhimsyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1410310707991.jpg”]

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