Liz’s Lineup 2

· new items, ideas & indulgences ·

Welcome to the second installment of the Liz List, a new series inspired by my stylist friend Polly. Since I am always hunting for the latest in books, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle, I decided to try it on W&W. Now as I browse the internet searching for an elusive must-have leopard print shoe or the…

Spring Storage

stylish ways to organize your stuff

A few months ago I had my stylist friend Polly come over to help me with my closet. In addition to choosing some key outfits for me,… Read More

‘Gram Giveaway

huge Instagram giveaway!

To get ready for Spring, I teamed up with some stylish bloggers to offer a giveaway worth over $650. The women behind Greystone Needlepoint, Ward Vintage, Menagerie… Read More

Chic Cutouts

a new fashion trend in dresses

Here is yet another post inspired by a conversation with friends: how to wear the new cutout style of dress without showing too much skin? The latest… Read More

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