Weekly Wines

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Jan, 30, 2019

In addition to books, beauty, style, and skincare, I am also a lover of wine (duh). I prefer white and rosé but love a full-bodied red with a great meal. To help us with our vintage choices, we belong to a wine of the month club and receive 3 new and exceptional bottles every 30 days. These selections have exposed me to wines I probably wouldn’t have chosen on my own. One of my resolutions for 2019 is to become more wine savvy and start filling our part-empty wine cellar. To further stretch my knowledge, (in addition to tastings with my loyal girlfriends) I have been reading the Wine Bible by Karin MacNeil. This comprehensive book covers everything about wine: regions, vintages, varietals, and most importantly taste. She also has recommendations for every budget and palette. I have just begun to scratch the surface, but plan on including you all along the way with suggestions of some good wines to try. All of my choices will be available at wine.com or locally at Sipstirs in Darien, Connecticut. This boutique wine shop is a go-to for me since we signed up for the monthly wine club in 2000. Plus, you can search their website for organic or sustainable wines (or wines with screwcaps). They also ship out of state for purchases outside of CT. First up is a yummy Pinot Noir from Oregon-perfect for a cold night by the fire. I hope you enjoy this wine journey, I know I will love this research! Cheers. To see all wines featured on WHIT & WHIMSY, click here.

A great way to sample some good wine is through a monthly wine club. Sipstirs in Darien, CT has a customizable one that is reasonably priced and offers great discounts. Another option to try is the Wall Street Journal Wine Discovery Club.

W&W uses affiliate links. If you buy something through my links, I may earn a commission at no cost to you. I only recommend products that I love and would use myself. All opinions are my own. Thank you!

February 1, 2019

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