Tasteful Travel

· accessories for your 2020 travels ·

Jan, 06, 2020

One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2020 is to travel more. Now that our kids are a bit more self-sufficient, it’s easier to line up a sitter and get out of town. On my wish list: Napa, Vail and Charleston– I am going for it! Now that I have decided on the hopeful destinations, (although hubby doesn’t know it yet), I will need to pack up and go. With all of the restrictions (luggage weight) and rules (TSA), conforming travel accessories have become all the more important. I love my Truffle Clarity bags for carry-ons and wheeled luggage for easy transport. While on the plane I plan on being entertained by my podcast list (post coming soon), and my latest book. I also will stay hydrated with a this Juice Beauty hydrating face mist. Check out all of the options below, chosen for the distinguished traveler in mind. And by distinguished, I mean comfortable, prepared and stylish. Need anything before take off?

January 4, 2020

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