Perfect Product No.3

· Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer ·

May, 15, 2019

Ahhh, the hairdryer that launched a blog! When I found this styling tool during the summer of 2017, I had no idea how much it would change my routine. (I know, totally dramatic to say that, but really it did make a huge difference.) My weekly trips to the salon for a blowout dwindled down to once every other month. The perpetual ponytail became a thing of the past and my mood was lifted because I no longer looked forever disheveled. I couldn’t recommend it fast enough, telling everyone I knew about this time saving/ money-saving tool. I featured it on my blog in one of my very first posts, Hair Help, and yet, I am still recommending it word of mouth at least once a week to someone new. So…I figured it was time to give the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer a spot in my Perfect Product series, since it is sensational, to say the least. I am not alone in this thinking–I have also seen it featured on Instagram posts and YouTube videos (watch this one here to see how best to use the tool.) If your hair needs smoothing, taming, styling, or volumizing: Get. This. Now. You will thank me later (as so many of my subscribers have already!) Click here to buy on Amazon, Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer, $60.


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