It makes no difference how much sleep I get or water I drink–I still have discoloration under my eyes. I have tried virtually every cream or serum (and have the posts to prove it) that claims to minimize the purple hue, but nothing seems to cure my problem completely. So, I am left to do the next best thing: conceal! Technically, there are two Clé de Peau products I use to help conceal my dark undereye circles, but this post is really about the Radiant Corrector Concealer for Under Eyes. I first found out about this product from another trusted beauty influencer and decided to try it when my YSL Touché Éclat corrector/neutralizer pen ran out. The two are similar, but the Clé de Peau one is better, in my opinion, for a few reasons. The first, and the most important, is the shade selection: YSL has three to choose from and the Clé de Peau has eleven. This color choice for me was the clincher. I found a tone that worked perfectly with my skin to both neutralize the under eye dark circles, conceal any fine lines, and brighten all at the same time. It also treats the under-eye area with hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and extracts that overtime helps the area. The second reason I prefer the Clé de Peau pen is its wider brush size: it covers the undereye area with one stroke so I don’t over-apply. The liquid amount is evenly distributed and the brush is soft to the touch. I also like that the pen itself is a bit thicker and easier to grip and I think there is a bit more product in the Clé de Peau. Nordstrom carries the entire Clé de Peau Beauté line so it was convenient for me to go to the store near my home to try color swatches in person (I use Almond). While I was there I also tried the Clé de Peau Concealer with SPF 25 and chose the color Almond as well. The shades for both products are the same, so it’s easy to coordinate. (Clé de Peau also available at