woman holding martini glass

Grateful Goodbye: See ya 2020

· cheers to a healthier 2021 ·

Dec, 31, 2020

Cheers to a happy, and hopefully a healthy 2021! Throughout the past nine months of social distancing and quarantine, I have found myself more than just frustrated and bored but surprisingly grateful for most of what drove me crazy while stuck in my house: my family, my health, and my supportive community. I am also thankful for this blog and the creative distraction it gives me (and hopefully you too).

This photo is a favorite of mine, taken by the talented Rachel McGinn. It reminds me of festive holiday cocktail parties and good times spent with friends– two things I hope to see more of this coming year. So let’s happily bid farewell to 2020 with a swift kick out the door. Cheers to a new year filled with hugs, healing, and maybe a few shopping hauls!

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