Book Blast 9

· Love & Romance ·

Feb, 14, 2019

Nothing beats a good love story, so in honor of St. Valentine’s Day, I have pulled together some of my favorite romantic tales. Included are the classics, like Wuthering Heights and Love in the Time of Cholera, and some newer ones such as The Wedding Date and One Day in December. I also included one that I haven’t read, but have heard great things about, My Life Next Doorthis looks just like the kind of fantasy romance that I dig!  A Natural History of Love is an easy read that’s “enchantingly written and stunningly informed. This audaciously brilliant romp through the world of romantic love is the next best thing to love itself.” Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin was one of my all-time faves so I may have to go back and re-read it. Hope you find something you love to read too! 

A Natural History of Love  ~  One Day in December  ~  The Wedding Date
Wuthering Heights  ~  The Kiss Quotient  ~  Something Borrowed
Attachments  ~  My Life Next Door  ~  Love in the Time of Cholera

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