Book Blast 21

· debut novels worth the read ·

Jan, 18, 2020

Bonus post for this long MLK weekend! Here in Connecticut, we are anticipating a cold day with some snow (finally). We have the firewood ready to go, the wine fridge is stocked and I find myself looking for a new good book to read. While browsing through Kirkus Reviews website reviewing the Best of 2019 books (see post here), I came across a bunch of highly recommended debut novels. I love hearing about new authors, especially when they are recognized for outstanding work. Some of these books I had never heard of and some seemed familiar to me, either from the library or bookstore shelves. I decided to give Leigh Bardugo’s book  Ninth House a try. This debut sounds so intriguing: secret societies at Yale? Yes please. And next up will be The Perfect Girlfriend, a thriller reminiscent of my one of my all-time favorites, You. Reviews say “you’ve never read a love story as twisted as this.” Sign me up. Click on the books below to read about each debut. Which one appeals to you?

How do I find these titles to recommend to you? I read a lot, but I also refer to trusted book reviews on Goodreads, the NY Times, and Kirkus. I belong to a book club with opinionated readers, and I live next door to a local bookstore insider who lends me advance copies! Basically, I do the legwork so you don’t have to. For more titles, browse previous Book Blast posts or visit my Amazon store. Keep reading!

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