Favorites for $50: Etsy

· more affordable finds ·

Here in Connecticut, it is finally snowing- and we have our first snow day of the year. This means I am stuck in the house all day, happily confined to my sofa in my sweats with my laptop. First stop- Etsy. It is not hard to get sucked into the Etsy website and find yourself browsing for…

Friday Faves: All Amazon

the latest from my Amazon store

This week’s Friday Faves is all about Amazon! I have once again updated my Amazon Storefront with finds in all of the categories: Home, Beauty, Books, Accessories,… Read More

Reader Request: Thinning Hair Products

science backed formulas

So many of my friends have requested this info! Whether you’re aging gracefully, postpartum, or just a little more stressed out, you have probably experienced hair thinning… Read More

Friday Faves: Spring Break

stock up for spring break

This week’s Friday Faves is all about spring break must-haves. Everything you need for a fun vacation, including the necessary SPF and beach read (and maybe a… Read More

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