Friday Five Faves

blog favorites for Friday 2/26

Happy Friday followers! Here is another wrap-up of this week’s favorite items, either current blog features or items that I am lusting after. These chic linen martini… Read More

Sunday Sales

Shopbop sale benefiting BLM

This morning I got an email from Shopbop, celebrating black fashion designers on their site. In partnership with the Black in Fashion Council, 20% of sales from… Read More

Puzzle Passion

keeping busy while at home

This week is February break for our kids and we are again, staying at home. But, I have stocked up on my favorite pastime and I… Read More

Raging Reds

limited edition Lunar New Year products

I am a sucker for beautiful packaging, and these Lunar New Year celebratory items do not disappoint. The vibrant reds, golds, and Asian motifs make for a… Read More

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