Book Blast 20

· Kirkus Reviews Best of 2019 ·

How did I miss these “best of” books? I am always looking out for a great mystery or thriller and somehow these titles missed my radar. I love to browse through the Kirkus Review every so often, and I came across these picks from their annual “Best of 2019” lists. If you are not into…

Whit & Whimsy Winners

2019 blog favorites and best-sellers

Goodbye 2019– a great year for Whit & Whimsy. Thanks to WordPress analytics, I am able to see which posts, products and categories are of most interest… Read More

Sparkling Sequins

festive sequined dresses for NYE

If I were 30 again, had a party to go to, and had some money left over after Christmas, I would glam up in one of these… Read More

Faux Fashions

Faux leather skirts, dresses, pants and jackets

A few weeks ago, I walked into the new Zara store that opened near our town and faux leather was everywhere. I tried on a puff sleeve… Read More

Book Blast 19

Last-minute book gifts from Amazon

  “A book is a gift you can open again and again.”– Garrison Keillor December is flying by and Christmas is fast approaching. I feel that no matter how… Read More

Stocking Stuffers

Whimsical ideas for stocking treasures

Filling stockings at Christmastime is one of my favorite parts of holiday gift-giving. I love searching for little treasures that will bring joy to family members. While… Read More

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