Book Blast 4

· Fall Mysteries & Thrillers ·

Fall in our house means football by the fire, but for me, I would rather dive into a good book. Since Halloween is here, these thrillers seemed appropriate choices. I am always looking for a good page-turner so I use the Goodreads app to organize my lists of books: upcoming titles I want to read…

Pumpkin Picks

Loving this seasonal orange hue

When Fall arrives, so do the pumpkins. Whether it’s a carved jack o’lantern or tasty pie, pumpkins are all around us during Halloween and Thanksgiving. Not only… Read More

Fashion Feature: J. Crew

Just J.Crew

One of my first “real” jobs right out of college was at the J.Crew catalog headquarters in New York City. The choice was simple– the company was… Read More

Cute Camo

This pattern is everywhere!

Everywhere I go I see more and more camo inspired pieces. Whether it be a cute camo handbag or shoe, the print is unmistakable and quickly becoming… Read More

Reading Review No. 2

"The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock" by Imogen Hermes Gowar

I will admit that I judged this book by its cover. How could a jacket with a golden shell, an ornate backdrop and a mermaid in the… Read More

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